Monday, August 23, 2010


and SO well behaved!! I can't get over how easy this session was!! Loved these boys!! Could they be any cuter??

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Happy Birthday my sweet Addison Layne!! Still can not believe it has been a year since I held you in my arms for the first time. You are our precious angel. We love you A train!!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Yes, yes, he is just as handsome inside as he is on the outside!!:) I was super excited when Owen chose me for his Senior session. We shot these on his parents land and it was the perfect setting! It was 1oo degrees but very nice to be able to run inside the house and cool off for a few minutes before continuing on. Thanks so much Shelley for the water, cold rags and my BOOTS.................definitely worth the drive;)


Ok, so I don't ordinarily shoot large groups and wouldn't say that I really know what to do with this many bodies, but with such a fun group I couldn't say no. The only problems came from the man in green sitting by the train:) JK, we really did have fun and I'm glad we were able to capture the entire family together all at once. The gallery should be ready by morning:)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

-Cutie Pie-

This little guy has been in the same preschool class with Brenly for the last 2 years and I have always been in awe of his curls and baby blues. We just found out that his family is moving to the west coast here very shortly. We will miss you "D"!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Catching up

This precious family lives just down the street from us and are such fun neighbors!! We took these back in May and somehow they are just getting blogged:( I'm loving Miss Sassy Pants in the the last shot.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bad Bad Blogger

Ok, so I haven't been so good about keeping up with the blog over the summer. We just got back from a wonderful beach vacation and I will share some pics as soon as I get them off my camera. Here are a few of the most precious twins that came to see me before we left.