Sunday, September 28, 2008


Wednesday I met with 2 sisters who were sooo precious. Friday Mr "E" met me in Mckinney for his 2 year pictures, and Saturday I got to have fun with Miss "K", the blue eyed blonde above, for her 2 year session.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Quickest Session Award.......

Goes to Mr RJ!! We had his session done in 20 minutes. He did everything I asked him to, he even leaned against a wall and smiled!! And he is only 2. It sure helped that his mom and dad were so great and layed back.........that makes a BIG difference. Thanks again "M" family.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Serious "L"

1 year old "L" was in a very serious mood yesterday for her session. I think we got some great shots, these are just a few of my favorites!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Busy Season Has Arrived!!

The week started off with the 2 newborn sessions from my previous post. Thursday little "J" along with mom and dad met me in Mckinney for his 3rd session with me. Is he not the cutest thing ever with the polka dot tie?? Friday morning I met the most beautiful twin girls below who were absolutely on their best behavior.

Friday evening blue eyed Miss "R" came to play with mom and dad before they headed to a baseball game.

And last but not least we took Faith's 1 year pictures Saturday morning! Yeah, we had some Ike winds and rain, but the lighting was perfect.
In the last 10 days I have had 6 sessions, my daughters 1st day of preschool, and celebrated my daughters 2nd birthday and my husbands 34th just last night. 4 of the 6 sessions are already on line and the last 2 are in the works. Please bear with me!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lots of Newborns

Love the picture of brother and sister snuggling. Big sister was such a help!!

This little ballerina was so great today. She slept the entire time!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

In the Vines

4 month old Kaylin came to play in the vines this week. She gave us lots of smiles and some funny faces too!!